Beginning Jazz Piano Lesson – Swing Scales

Swing Scales

This video lesson covers how I begin with every jazz piano student. Swing scales are great because they enable students to focus on their groove and time-feel from the start. Rather than load students up with harmony and theory information, prioritizing the groove should sustain itself through the whole process of learning to play jazz and modern music. Here’s how we start:

Beginning Improvisation: Phrasing Video tutorial on phrasing concepts while improvising

Improv Tutorial Phrasing PicPhrasing often gets overlooked when we learn to improvise. This video covers the basics of phrasing on Twinkle, Twinkle and the opening passage of a Mozart Sonata. There are a few splices in the video as the camera kept shutting off – I’m still learning to use the new gear! I hope you enjoy it.

Developing a Unique Voice from the Start How to build your story and sound in music lessons

In the beginning, my whole teaching studio at Creative Music Adventures was built on this phone call from teacher friends around the community:

“I have a student who has some potential but they are driving me crazy. They are supremely talented but won’t do anything I ask. Can I send them to you to see if there is any hope?”

Unique Voice » Read more

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